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Acne skin

It is important to understand what causes acne. During puberty one of the processes that will take place is the (over)stimulation of sebum production. This is due to testosterone, which is important in both men and women for the entire reproductive mechanism. The skin gets oilier and there is more growth medium for bacteria. The result: inflammation and/or pimples.


1. Don't get too clean

Our skin therapist advices not to clean your face too often. You don't want your skin to be too clean. The good bacteria in your sebum are very effective against the bad bacteria that cause acne. In the morning splash your face with cold water and only cleanse your face at night, using our Abloom Organic Purifying Cleanser. The therapeutic and anti-septic ingredients are very gentle and will not further irritate your skin.

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2. Calm the inflammation

Use our Organic Soothing Lotion in the evening after the cleanser. Our lotion contains frankincense, orange and lavender: ingredients that are anti-inflammatory & anti-bacterial and help calm and soothe the skin.

Buy our soothing lotion

Manuel V.

Manuel vd P.

" I have been using Abloom for a while now and I must say, it's truly amazing. My acne disappeared and my skin has never been smoother. There is also a sunscreen, and it's also very effective in preventing acne breakouts. I have tried many other sunscreen products for acne-prone skin but this one is the overall best ever. I highly recommend it to anyone! ".

3. Use our Miracle Oil

"Really, an oil?" Yes! it may sound counterproductive but a natural oil will help normalise the sebum production without clogging your pores. A cream not so much, according to our skin therapist. So try to stay away from Day & Night cream until your skin has somewhat normalised. 

The Organic Miracle Oil is truly (r)awesome thanks to its potent extracts of 25 wild grown flowers, herbs, algae and plants. The Oil has a light texture, is quickly absorbed and contains a wealth of medicinal and therapeutical ingredients. 

Buy our Miracle oil

4. Strengthening Skin Booster

To help strengthen your skin's natural immune system our skin therapist advices to use our Collagen Boost Mask or Green Detox Mask 1-2 a week. These freeze dried organic masks can be mixed with honey (anti-bacterial) or kefir yoghurt (strengthening the microbiome of your skin).

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